The Revelation 6:8 Corinth Flashback
Methos and Kronos are standing amongst the latest set of victims of the Horsemen, in a monastery. Caspian and Silas are nowhere to be seen, it's just the two of them. The first time through, it's the shot on Valentine. Methos says that it's no longer enough being a Horseman. Kronos tells him he sounds like a Greek and asks him for some wine. Methos thanks him and says he's finished riding with him. Kronos tells him there are four and always will be. Methos tells him to find another. Kronos tells him only blood can separate them. If he goes, he leaves his head. At one point, Kronos says "sit down - don't make me tell you again". Methos says he was afraid Kronos might see it that way and draws his sword. They face off and Kronos staggers, realises the wine was poisoned, which Methos confirms, and collapses. That ends the first shot. Valentine said that Kronos was vulnerable in this scene - he's afraid to lose Methos.
We then see the beginning of the scene, with Peter standing around muttering to himself, "I'm f**king fed up of this Kronos man", to get himself fired up. The scene starts with Methos telling Kronos he wants to learn about the world and Kronos telling him that they are what they are. When Kronos asks for the wine, we see that Methos has a ring which contains the poison and he tips it into the drink before giving it to Kronos. When Kronos collapses, Methos stands over him, but cannot bring himself to take Kronos' head. Instead, he seals him inside a well. Kronos revives as Methos bolts the grating over the top shot and demands that Methos release him and face him. Methos tells him that he's already defeated him and leaves. Next we see two monks and Maureen said that we would have been told that this was a thousand years later. Someone endowed the monastery and the monks throw bread and fruit into the well. A young monk hears a voice and realises that Kronos is trapped. He lets him out and Kronos throws him over a parapet for his pains.
In the scene at the sub base after Methos has warned Duncan, ("we should prepare for MacLeod to come here"), there's a bit at the beginning where Kronos drops the bolt from the well grating onto a table and says to Methos that he had his thousand years of study, whilst Kronos had a thousand years of bread. Later, Kronos tells Methos that he can't kill him - he had his chance. When he shows him that he has Cassandra, he says "you're thinking how you're going to get out of this" and that he will kill Cassandra if he senses that Methos has gone.